Sunday, 31 December 2017

Words like Nigger (Controversy & Stigma)

Time for some political type shit. That introduction would probably piss the fuck out of any English teacher😆, they'd be like "That is not an articulate introduction, in fact it is indubitably the most inarticulate, reckless and insubordinate embarking of an English essay I have ever stumbled upon", and to them I say, fuck you; I can "embark" on my essays anyhow I fucking want... Okay no more frequent curse words.

So today we'll be talking about a few societal norms. Since my introduction was about English language norms, I feel my opening was actually an un-reckless "embarking" Miss English teacher, no wonder you're still single at 41. Moving on to some back story. So growing up in Ireland, on the outskirts of Dublin in a moderately suburban town, you're not really around a lot black people, no I'm not going to be beating around the bush and say people of colour or shit.. black people period. Obviously, being black, I had some black family friends, but other than that, my friend base was mainly white from school; and factually school friends are far more influential than family friends. It wasn't anything bad though and there wasn't much to it. People weren't racist, and everyone was pretty nice, I probably even got some low-key extra social perks from being black to be honest. To be real, blacks don't really get hate in Ireland, instead there's more of a toxic negativity towards other Europeans like Romanians and Polish, which is still messed up, but what can you do. It seems like every country has this toxic hatred for a group of people; Nigerians to Ghanaians, Americans to Mexicans and South Africans to Other Africans, I guess everyone needs someone to blame. Went a bit off topic for a bit, but yea, I didn't have much exposure to quote on quote black culture. I think this is as good a time as any to kind of elaborate on what I mean by black culture. Don't worry I'm not getting all tumblr on this post, what I mean is "black" as it is popularly known, has kind of been taken over by American blacks; the whole rapper, basketball, gangster, tough black guy stereotype is really mainly for them and no other black. Other blacks around the world are more productive and less of a nuisance to society (yes, I know I sound a bit racist but the fact is american blacks (talking about the dumb ones not every American black, just the unthinking ones) are one of the most racist, hypocritical and idiotic class of humans to have ever lived on planet earth, like what kind of idiot fights someone because they're great granddad owned a slave when owning a slave was normal? How would you feel if in the future your grand children are decked because they're grand parents owned a car that caused the polar ice caps to melt sinking 1/4 of the world? Plus they're on some black supremacy shit, either they know it or are too stupid to see it, which is just frustrating to witness). The american black picture of black really affects the rest of the worlds picture of black, kind of forming a stigma that was so close to being eradicated elsewhere in the world. This is not where the post is going at, the whole american black discussion needs a full length post on it's own. So going back to my main point, the first time I'd really been exposed to black culture (american black culture), was through GTA San andreas when I was around 13-14. If you've ever played San andreas you know how many times they say nigga in the earlier stages; if saying nigga feed 100 starving African children, one play-through would end starving African children ads, no joke. So me being kind of newly exposed to the word nigga for the first time (I didn't listen to rap prior to San andreas, I mainly just listened to rock music... I know what you're thinking, STFU fam), I thought it was pretty neat. Then I remembered white people aren't allowed to use the word, so at the time I left it as is and never really used the word till I moved to Nigeria. Now thinking back on it, I see no reason why the word nigga or nigger can't be used by anyone. And with that we get to the main premise of this post... words like nigger and faggot. I'm not going to say something new, instead something we all know, but for whatever reason we all refuse to acknowledge; I have a few suggestions for possible reasons why we don't want to acknowledge this obvious truth, but let me share the TRUTH first. The simple very obvious and transparent truth is these words are only negative because of how the majority of people want to use them, nigger is a little bit of a bad example of this nowadays, because people don't really want to use it negatively. What I mean is this, if people used faggot like how they'd use mate or dude, it wouldn't be stigmatized, instead it is used more like an insult, which would be fine if it were just a simple insult, I mean no-one stigmatizing the word idiot, but the fact is that faggot is in other words a term for a homosexual, check any dictionary and you'd likely see it informally means a homosexual, so basically using the word as an insult, you're trying to imply being a homosexual is a negative trait, no matter how much other wise you want to think about it, low key in your mind you are trying to offend someone by implying they are gay. The same thing for nigger, using it in such a way that it just means dude or bro, the way nowadays blacks use it, is nothing offensive and even people that start fights over whites saying "what's up my nigga", know this but just want to make a fuss out of things just for the sake of making a fuss out of things. The only offensive way of using nigger, is using nigger offensively knowing you're low-key trying to use being black as an insult . So now onto why people don't want to acknowledge this, quite obviously it is because we love using these insults knowing full well what we want to imply, we're all guilty of it and I even tend to use nigger both as an insult and as a replacement for dude. I'm not saying we should all round stop saying these words, I kind of just want to help explain why people see them as negative. So yea, say it more privately as an insult before an oversensitive nigger faggot (just saying oversensitive black homosexual) gets annoyed. The next reason is because, like what I said above, black Americans and any other class of humans who claim to "own" a word, or any other thing for that matter, just want to push forward their class's supremacy, culture appropriation is too clearly bullshit. 

Do me a favour and scroll to the beginning of this post and stare at the middle word Nigger in the picture for 20 seconds... At some point it looked somewhat misspelled in a way, right? I think at that point you see the word for it's true self, a simple string of characters we choose to give a meaning to. 

Have any rebuttals or anything to add? 
Share in the comments below..
Thanks for reading! and have a great 2018.

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