Saturday, 13 May 2017

Disproving quantum multiverse theory?

I've written about this before on Yahoo Answers, but didn't like the answer I got there. Hoping for some better luck here. Here's the basic Premise: 

If truly there is a universe for every such possibility therefore there should be a universe where as someone must have made a device which allows for travelling to other . If this is true then as a person uses such a device they may enter any of the unlimited number of universes which means more universes are created where the traveller enters different universes which should mean that a traveller should be in this universe adding to this the traveller should be able to teleport to different places in time and space this implies that all universes including ours should be filled with that same wanderer and an infinite number of different wanderers...
Get this to Hawking so I can get my Answer thank you.

Though I thought of this dilemma before knowing about Rick and Morty, The council of Ricks is a good example of such a dilemma, but the universe should be congested with Ricks.

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