Sunday 29 September 2024

Evolution, Manifestation and Magick [Change in accordance to Will].

“The universe is populated by stable things.”- Richard Dawkins (Selfish Gene)
In spiritual terms, “That which desires to exist, exists. That which desires not to exist extinguishes”. All things in existence contain a want for existence, or they would not be.
This might not make the most sense now, but at the end of this piece, hopefully, you’ll understand what is meant by the phrase: “It’s all love.”

Saturday 10 July 2021

The Metaphysical Basis

Posted this exact same essay on Google docs sometime last month, my blog really should have seen it first, but oh well 🤷🏿‍♂️

The Metaphysical Basis

A tree is not made from atoms, there is only a tree.

The scientist argues, “That is nonsense, atoms exist if only you'd use an electron microscope to view them!”

To which the intelligent philosopher responds, “Either view, the tree or the atoms, depends on how you look at it. The tree might as well be a "pixel" of green if viewed from outer space and all other views cease to exist!”

I imagine the scientist finding the philosopher's "fallacious" proposition irritating, obviously these three different states of the tree exist! There is a tree; there are atoms of this tree and there is a view of the tree from space.

But then, there is no disembodied human eye looking through an invisible electron microscope to see the atoms of the tree when no one is trying to view the atoms; nor is there a disembodied eye viewing the tree from an invisible spacecraft. 

"But then the atoms exist if you view it or not!" protests the scientist. 

But an atom in what sense? An atom in relation to who or what? Clearly not the atom seen under the electron microscope, that view is relative to the apparatus viewing it in that particular way. There is no atom relative to the base human eye which, at best, sees the brown bark via the visible light spectrum.

"The objective atom! The atom that exists in of itself!" says the scientist, clinging to his ever slippery understanding of the atom. "Ah-ha" he says, "This is the atom that exists when no one views it" smirking sheepishly.

Thursday 31 December 2020

Conscious Experience: What is Conscious Experience? (Part 1 of 2)

I've been meaning to write on this topic for the longest time now but just kept procrastinating. A big reason I delayed talking on this particular topic was that I didn't want it to be just brushed over; I wanted it to be something that, after reading it, a whole new way of seeing the world would "awaken", something "spiritual" in a sense. Whether or not I achieved this is completely up to you to decide.
Another reasonor excuse if you'd prefer—, for my procrastinating was the sense of "Can I really talk on this topic effectively?", in more personal terms, a sense of inadequate knowledge on the topic or, at least, not to the extent that I deemed reasonable for the endeavour.

So what makes me feel "capable" now?
I don't know... Should we spend the whole day discussing why my mind chooses to do what it does when it does? A discussion of free will and the likes? Is that what we're about to do right now?


Tuesday 4 August 2020

On Cartoons and Why All Other Shows Are Substandard (Higher-Enlightenment)

So... On cartoons and proving I'm not an overgrown child. 
This is a more personal write up, hope you enjoy it.

From a young age I've always favoured cartoons over any other form of media. I never understood the appeal of real-life media other than documentaries. I could never stand Power Rangers as a child, and would never watch shows like Drake and Josh unless forced to endure it due to the presence of an oppressive "teen" at the time. 

Sunday 19 July 2020

How to be The Smartest Person In The Room 101.1

"This is still a thing?"
Yes, it indeed is. Part of the reason it still is "a thing" I'll be sort of touching on in this post. As a fun side quest, see if you can spot the single word reason in the post.
As usual, I'll just be jumping right in.

Go ahead, try and guess the actual topic of today's post. See if you get it right.

Friday 15 May 2020

The Ball

Anything that can read/sense information has the ball. It may not have the ball for long but as it picks up information, it has the ball. Dynamically storing information (dynamic in the sense that the information that was once sensed/read is read again at a later data or semi-continuously e.g. memory) allows for persisting of the ball being held.

For example, in the brief moment a single-celled organism with the ability to detect light perceives a photon of light, it holds the ball, as soon as that information/stimuli is gone, it loses the ball; if it has a way of recalling the information, it continues to hold the ball as long as the information is recalled (e.g. The brain converts direct stimuli/information to electrical signals, this way it can continue to recall information to near the exact same way as it was first received; near same information, near same ball)

Another quick thought.

Wednesday 13 May 2020

The Bottle of Marbles Analogy

The Bottle of Marbles Analogy:
Assume you have a bottle containing four marbles, marbles A, B, C, and D, which move with Brownian motion (random motion) within the bottle. When marbles A, B and D collide at the same time a glow occurs and the marbles stick together for 24hrs before the glow ends and the marbles separate. Note that the collision of any marble to another leads to the marbles being stuck together for 24hrs.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

The Burden of Purpose (A Philosophical Concept)

To start off, I’d like for everyone to distance themselves from their opinions and beliefs before reading this. I say this so most if not everyone can enjoy the opportunity of understanding this short philosophical notion I’ve been thinking about for a while now [and by short I really do mean short, there’s honestly not much to it]. 
With that said... What is "The Burden of Purpose"? I’d let you guys have a guess or two at what the concept is about, comment if you got it vaguely or completely correct👌. 

Before starting off, I think I need to lay the basis for a lot of the premises made within this discussion.

The Assumptions:
  • The utmost thinking being(s)’s [Be it humans or gods or a God] existence was not planned.
  • If the being is omnipotent [All-powerful], it is not bound to any laws and can override any laws given to its self upon its creation.
  • If the being is omniscient [All-knowing], it knows its beginning and, if it has an end, its end.

Friday 14 June 2019

On Mental Health and Improving Technology

I honestly try to avoid talking on current matters affecting the world, but I feel extremely urged to talk on this one for reasons which I shall bring forth within this short write up.

Firstly, I would also like to state that this post initially did not come about due to the Sudan situation, the train of thought had just arrived there after numerous thoughts had passed by. For how to start this, I am really not sure, I feel it would be best delving straight into the issues at hand, but, before I do that, I have one very huge task to ask of everyone reading...

Please Please Please Please... Turn off your auto-pilot for the duration of this post, please be reflective, and please take your time to think about the points I bring up. Thank you.

Sunday 2 June 2019

PERFECT. [An Unexpected Independent Follow-up to She]

So I was discussing my last post "She" with a friend [Shout-out to Miss Martins] [this post is quite old and has been in the drawer for a while] who felt my perception of perfect, was off. At first, I was still stubbornly believing my perspective of perfection was right, but later on, after her slightly [ever so slightly] convincing argument, I had a change in my understanding and realized that both our perspectives can be taken as perfect.. Relativistic Perfect and Absolute Perfect to be exact.

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