Friday, 14 June 2019

On Mental Health and Improving Technology

I honestly try to avoid talking on current matters affecting the world, but I feel extremely urged to talk on this one for reasons which I shall bring forth within this short write up.

Firstly, I would also like to state that this post initially did not come about due to the Sudan situation, the train of thought had just arrived there after numerous thoughts had passed by. For how to start this, I am really not sure, I feel it would be best delving straight into the issues at hand, but, before I do that, I have one very huge task to ask of everyone reading...

Please Please Please Please... Turn off your auto-pilot for the duration of this post, please be reflective, and please take your time to think about the points I bring up. Thank you.

Sunday, 2 June 2019

PERFECT. [An Unexpected Independent Follow-up to She]

So I was discussing my last post "She" with a friend [Shout-out to Miss Martins] [this post is quite old and has been in the drawer for a while] who felt my perception of perfect, was off. At first, I was still stubbornly believing my perspective of perfection was right, but later on, after her slightly [ever so slightly] convincing argument, I had a change in my understanding and realized that both our perspectives can be taken as perfect.. Relativistic Perfect and Absolute Perfect to be exact.

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